NLT to offer UAE investors the opportunity to invest in the booming US trucking industry

NLT to offer UAE investors the opportunity to invest in the booming US trucking industry

The trucking industry is a vital pillar of the US economy, even more so than in many other countries. According to ATA, 72.5% of the nation's freight by weight is transported by trucks. US-based NLT is pleased to offer UAE investors the opportunity to invest in the booming US trucking industry.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates--(BUSINESS WIRE/AETOSWire)-- The US trucking business accounts for a large part of the country's transportation services. According to the American Trucking Association’s (ATA) latest data, 72.5% of the nation's freight by weight is transported by trucks at a time when the industry is facing the challenge of finding qualified drivers. The American Ministry of Transport estimates that c.300 thousand truck drivers leave the business each year, even as demand for haulage keeps rising. Next Level Trucking (NLT) has risen to the challenge of meeting demand and resolving labor shortages by offering investors a chance to participate in this vibrant industry through its trucking investment program.

NLT's CEO Jay Whitley commented: “Next Level Trucking offers individual investors the opportunity to earn additional income from transportation activities by investing in trucks. During 2021, revenues on the best trucks were as high as US$ 320 thousand. Our investment program, which is