SAIF Zone partners with Al Ansari Exchange to offer new payment service and enhance customer experience

SAIF Zone partners with Al Ansari Exchange to offer new payment service and enhance customer experience

Sharjah: The Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF Zone) has signed a cooperation agreement with Al Ansari Exchange, the UAE's leading foreign exchange and worldwide money transfer company, to introduce a new payment service and enhance customer experience.

The newly signed partnership will allow SAIF Zone’s investors and clients to conveniently pay fees at any of Al Ansari Exchange's more than 230 branches spread across the UAE, providing them with a quicker, more flexible, and effortless payment process.

H.E. Saud Salim Al Mazrouei, Director of SAIF Zone, and Ali Al Najjar. COO of Al Ansari Exchange, signed the cooperation agreement today (Monday) at the free zone’s headquarters. The signing ceremony was attended by a number of managers and senior officials from both sides.

High efficiency

Al Mazrouei emphasized that the agreement reflects SAIF Zone’s steadfast commitment to delivering inventive and exceptionally efficient solutions that enhance customer satisfaction and investor partnerships. “SAIF Zone will continue to make every effort to streamline procedures and facilitate immediate access to a wide range of services through various channels and options, all of which the authority is committed to providing.”

“Adding more options for our customers to pay their transaction fees and complete them easily is essential to enhancing our