UAE Golden Visa: Are you eligible and how do you apply?

UAE Golden Visa: Are you eligible and how do you apply?

In 2019 the UAE overhauled its residency process in one of the biggest shake-ups of the country’s immigration policy in years and the Golden Visa – a pass to a decade-long residency – is one of the biggest reforms for residents.

When it was first announced, the Golden Visawas only given to residents who have made outstanding contributions to the UAE or have a certain set of skills in certain fields.

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But three years later, researchers, businessmen, medical professionals, artists, homeowners, as well as high-achieving students and their families have benefitted from the initiative.

The long-term residency visa – intended to encourage exceptional workers and foreign investors to establish deeper roots in the country – has given many residents who consider the UAE a home long-term security to stay in the county

But who is eligible for the Golden Visa?

In short, you must be an outstanding specialized talent, a scientist, specialist, a skilled worker, an investor in public investments, a real estate investor, an entrepreneur, a high school top-ranked student in the UAE, a graduate of an accredited university in the UAE, a graduate of an accredited university outside of