UK’s Rolls-Royce Motor Cars drives record 6,021 in 2022 sales – Gulf markets play their part too

UK’s Rolls-Royce Motor Cars drives record 6,021 in 2022 sales – Gulf markets play their part too

Dubai: The Gulf and Middle East operations again pulled their weight – sales up 38 per cent - as the British super-luxury carmaker Rolls-Royce Motor Cars delivered a record 6,021 units worldwide in 2022. The full-year tally globally represents an 8 per cent gain on 2021. (The regional split has not been provided.) Rolls-Royce’s sales were finely balanced between the US, Greater China and Europe, and the order book is ‘stretching far into 2023’, suggesting that at the luxury end of the automotive retail market, all is indeed well. The manufacturer will take an extra spark from the pre-orders received for all the all-electric Spectre and in excess of ‘ambitious expectations’. “It was also the first year we ever delivered more than 6,000 cars in a single 12-month period, with strong demand across our entire product portfolio,” said Torsten Müller-Ötvös, CEO, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. “But as a true 'House of Luxury', sales are not our sole measure of success: we are not and never will be a volume manufacturer. “Bespoke is Rolls-Royce, and commissions were also at record levels last year, with our clients’ requests becoming ever more imaginative and technically demanding – a challenge we enthusiastically embrace.” The bespoke