Watch: Dubai mum on a financial empowerment mission

Watch: Dubai mum on a financial empowerment mission

Financial guru and CEO of a Dubai-based financial education platform (Yabi by Souqalmal), today, Musa is out to change lives. Her practical tips and “proven” methods are aimed at helping people optimise budgets, minimise expenses and maximise savings and investments.

A single mum with two children, she too lives by the same principles, which she says have held her in good stead.

Early economics: Ambareen Musa makes it a point to educate her two children, above, about the importance of being financially literate.

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“It’s something I learnt from my parents – to stay relevant, be financially independent, and have the freedom of choice,” she explains.

“My father ran three businesses while my mother had a catering venture. I worked with both of them even when I was in school and learnt the ropes of the trade. I would spend my summer holidays too decorating wedding cakes and laying out trays of pastries. I also managed to build a database for my father’s receivables when I was 15. It made him very proud,” she recounts.

Spirit of enterprise

After Musa finished high school in Mauritius, she left for Melbourne in Australia for her university studies. Her spirit of enterprise resurfaced