WGS 2023: AI helping cut down on hate speech on social media platforms, says Meta’s Nick Clegg

WGS 2023: AI helping cut down on hate speech on social media platforms, says Meta’s Nick Clegg

Dubai: Artificial intelligence is helping social media platforms drastically cut down on hate speech, a top official at a tech company said on Tuesday. Speaking on Day 2 of the World Government Summit in Dubai, Nick Clegg, President of Facebook’s parent company Meta, said AI has helped reduce hate speech by 80 per cent. Clegg said that for every 10,000 pieces of content on the social media site, there are now only two containing hate speech. “I wish it could be down to zero – I think it’s never going to be zero – but it’s been reduced by around 80 per cent over the last two years, because of advances in AI.” Independent studies have been carried out by organisations such as UNESCO and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights to understand how tech companies can control online hate, especially against women. “Women can be professionally and reputationally damaged, leading them to censor or self-censor, discouraging them from entering specific professional fields with public exposure and their mental health can be highly affected. 30 per cent of the women journalists surveyed by UNESCO answered that they self-censor on social media and 20 per cent withdrew from all online