What is going through UAE employees’ mind these days?

What is going through UAE employees’ mind these days?

With so much volatility impacting employers and employees over the past two years, not least the revolutionary shift to remote and hybrid working, it is encouraging that a significant proportion of UAE respondents to our Hopes and Fears Survey 2022 are very satisfied at work – 37 per cent compared with 28 per cent globally and 38 per cent across the Middle East region. Our survey shows that employers in the UAE are listening and responding to what their employees need. For example, 63 per cent work flexibly at least half the time, compared with 54 per cent globally. UAE companies are also taking practical steps to address skills shortages with 44 per cent upskilling workers, 38 per cent increasing wages and 34 per cent offering support for physical and mental well-being, and 31 per cent are improving their in-house technology. Furthermore, UAE companies seem to be ahead of this trend in encouraging openness and to have conversations with co-workers about complex issues affecting the world today, with some 30 per cent of UAE workers having discussed societal issues with colleagues over the past year, in line with the global figure of 29 per cent. With these results, some 18