Bahrain: $259mln jobs boost for young talent

Bahrain: $259mln jobs boost for young talent

Tamkeen invested a staggering BD98 million ($260.6m) of funding support over the past 12 months to help young Bahrainis secure their dream jobs, launch new enterprises and guide existing businesses to reach their full potential, writes Avinash Saxena.

This was revealed during a media conference yesterday where top officials, led by chief executive Maha Mofeez, shared key achievements of the previous year and also outlined the Labour Fund’s priorities for 2023.

“We operate as part of a comprehensive ecosystem that works to achieve national goals in alignment with the economic recovery priorities.

“Therefore, last year we worked on implementing a comprehensive organisation-wide transformation plan that included setting key performance indicators and designing new programmes while also restructuring the support under each programme.

“As part of the transformation, we also proactively identified high potential economic opportunities and focused on driving productivity in projects that carried greater economic impact.”

Tamkeen supported 4,100 enterprises of all sizes across various sectors through its programmes in 2022.

Qusay Alarayedh, chief growth officer at Tamkeen, outlined at the Press conference staged at the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce Al Majlis Hall, that as many as 57pc of businesses supported were new beneficiaries,

Also, about half (48 per cent) of the enterprises, were small and