Bahrainouna hails the role of private sector partners

Bahrainouna hails the role of private sector partners

Bahrainouna's Executive Office Director Hala Sulaiman stressed that the interaction and engagement of all national partners in implementing "Bahrainouna“ the national plan's initiatives are moving forward steadily.

Hala said that the implementation of the plan's initiatives is primarily based on partnership with all organizations in the public and private sectors and the NGOs to achieve the set goals, as part of the directives of the Follow-up Committee of the Plan led by the Minister of Interior General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa.

The national efforts have contributed to the endorsement of 105 initiatives through 25 ministries and organizations with 81% of them being implemented as part of the main pillars - belonging programs, public relations and media campaigns, curricula and legislative, she said.

National performance indicators are being developed to measure changes in the attitudes of citizens towards patriotism and national values, as well as the measurement of the effectiveness of the initiatives and their impact on the community.

She highlighted the role of the private sector organizations as national partners in the implementation of the plan's initiatives, stressing they have a distinguished collaborative role based on their belief and dedication to the real national meanings of the community