Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait is offering cash prizes worth BD 7,500 to 30 of BBK Mobile Banking App users!

Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait is offering cash prizes worth BD 7,500 to 30 of BBK Mobile Banking App users!

Following the launch of its new and improved BBK Mobile Banking app, Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait, Bahrain’s pioneer in retail and commercial banking recently announced that it will be offering customers who download and transact through the new BBK Mobile Banking app, a chance to win cash prizes worth BD 250 each. This initiative falls under the Bank’s commitment towards encouraging its valued customers to use its new and improved digital banking channels and to take advantage of the unprecedented benefits they offer. To qualify, customers are required to download the new mobile app from the App Store or Google Play, register and start transacting from February 17 , to May 31 , 2022. The bank will award 10 winners each month with cash prizes worth BD 250 each, totaling to BD 7,500 for 30 winners. The more users transact through the Mobile Banking app, the more their chances increase of winning the cash prizes in addition to the qualitative benefits that the application offers like reliability and ease of usage. Dr. Adel Salem, General Manager of the Retail Banking Division, commented: “We are proud to have launched an upgraded version of our Mobile Banking app as a step