Central Bank of Bahrain issues new crowdfunding rules

Central Bank of Bahrain issues new crowdfunding rules

Bahrain - Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) has issued new regulations applicable to crowdfunding platform operators following a comprehensive review of the existing regulations, which were first issued in 2017.

The new regulations contain rules regarding equity-based crowdfunding and financing-based crowdfunding and are covered under Crowdfunding Platform Operators Module (Module CFP). Module CFP can be found under CBB Rulebook - Volume 5: Type 7 – Ancillary Service Providers.

The new regulations include principles governing the conduct of operations by the platform, rules on platform offers and disclosures, avoiding conflicts of interest, due diligence of borrowers/issuers through Know Your Customer (KYC), segregation of client money from platform operators and other measures to ensure safe operation of the activity.

Additionally, the new regulations require the crowdfunding platform operators to ensure suitability of the products being offered on the platform to retail clients, said a statement.

Director of Regulatory Policy Unit Shireen Al Sayed said: “The CBB strives to continuously review all regulations and directives related to the provision of financial services in the Kingdom of Bahrain in order to update and enhance them in line with the developments in the financial sector.

“The evolving business models such as crowdfunding will potentially provide new alternative sources of funding