Deep-rooted relations with Russia praised in Bahrain

Deep-rooted relations with Russia praised in Bahrain

HIS Majesty King Hamad received Olga Lyubimova, the Russian Minister of Culture and head of the Russian side of the Intergovernmental Committee, on the sidelines of the third meeting of the Bahrain-Russia Intergovernmental Committee for Trade, Economic, Technological and Scientific Co-operation.

His Majesty welcomed Ms Lyubimova, who conveyed to the King the greetings of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and his wishes to the people of Bahrain of further success and prosperity.

The King relayed greetings to President Putin, and wished Russia and its people further success and prosperity.

His Majesty commended the historical and deep-rooted Bahraini-Russian ties and the shared keenness to further enhance them in various domains.

The King welcomed the signing of the minutes of the meeting, which will have a positive impact on further improving aspects of strong bilateral co-operation in commercial, cultural, artistic, scientific, and technological aspects, to achieve the aspirations of the two countries for more prosperous and developed ties.

His Majesty expressed appreciation for the key role played by President Putin in further enhancing and strengthening the relations of the two countries on a basis of mutual respect and co-ordination.

The King commended the Russian culture and valued the joint efforts between the two countries to enhance cultural and artistic