Export Bahrain supports Chocolate & Co’s expansion into new markets

Export Bahrain supports Chocolate & Co’s expansion into new markets

In accordance with years of diligent commitment and collaboration to comprehend their clientele, Export Bahrain reaffirms its unwavering support for Chocolate & Co., a factory that offers a quality selection of exquisite chocolate and confectionary sweets for all occasions, in its objectives to expand locally and regionally.

The factory has been producing over 900 types of chocolate for over 15 years; it was founded in 2008 to be a luxury chocolate factory.

The raw materials are imported from Belgium and then manufactured in Bahrain to fulfill demands within the country, the GCC, and even the Indian subcontinent, with a production capacity that reaches 5000 tons per year.

Since its inception, the factory has produced around 75% of the local market’s demands, achieving a total value of $25 million in exports, with 10% of which going to GCC markets, primarily to the Saudi market by a remarkable rate of 80%.

Export Bahrain has always strived to optimize the benefits given to Bahrain-based businesses and enhance national exports by providing a comprehensive array of services and solutions.

As such, Chocolate & Co. was able to expand its business into the South Asian market through the Maldives and other markets around the globe, such as India, Canada, the