Tamkeen and iFranchise promote international expansion of Bahraini enterprises

Tamkeen and iFranchise promote international expansion of Bahraini enterprises

The Labour Fund Tamkeen unveiled a new program to support commercial franchising for Bahraini enterprises. The announcement came during an event that hosted key stakeholders from the ecosystem and highlighted the importance of franchising for businesses through a panel of experts and entrepreneurs who have succeeded with this venture. In collaboration with Export Bahrain and iFranchise Facilities Services LLC, a specialist in global franchise rights consulting, the initiative provides comprehensive support for commercial franchising, empowering Bahraini enterprises to venture into new markets worldwide. By enhancing the competitiveness of Bahraini businesses on the global stage and promoting domestic exports, the initiative aims to catalyze national economic growth and prosperity. Tamkeen’s Business Franchising Program supports key economic sectors in the Kingdom by offering tailored assistance through two distinct tracks, one tailored for enterprises new to franchising their trademarks and the other for existing chains seeking to explore untapped markets. Through meticulous readiness assessments, market evaluations, and strategic collaborations with Export Bahrain, the program ensures that enterprises are equipped for international expansion. Furthermore, it provides comprehensive business development support, including gap analysis, documentation assistance for franchising initiation, facilitation of client/partner connections, and negotiation guidance, all of which help mitigate risks for enterprises and