Tamkeen supports employment of Bahrainis at PwC’s Regional Service Center in Manama

Tamkeen supports employment of Bahrainis at PwC’s Regional Service Center in Manama

The Labour Fund, Tamkeen, has announced its support for the establishment of PwC Middle East’s Regional Service Delivery Centre in Bahrain, which will provide advisory and operational services across sectors. This initiative aligns with the goals of Tamkeen’s National Employment Program and aims to offer up to 250 employment opportunities for Bahraini nationals, enhancing local economic contributions. The initiative strengthens Bahrain’s position from which local and international institutions can support the Kingdom and neighbouring countries, while working closely with other PwC delivery centres in the region.Recruitment has begun for the first wave of Bahraini professionals, with an initial intake of 50 hires. The centre aims to reach its operational potential in the coming years and will provide valuable training opportunities to enhance the technical expertise of its employees.The project aligns with Tamkeen’s recently launched programmes to support the career development and employment of 50,000 Bahrainis annually[1]. Tamkeen is playing a pivotal role by providing a comprehensive package to promote the employment of Bahraini nationals, which includes training and wages support.Expressing her enthusiasm regarding the partnership, Her Excellency Ms. Maha Abdulhameed Mofeez, Chief Executive of Tamkeen said: “This partnership aligns with our mission to promote sustainable economic growth, enhance the competitive