The Fusion of AI and Fintech Unleashes Security Challenges

The Fusion of AI and Fintech Unleashes Security Challenges

Fawaz Ghazal, the Chief Executive Officer of the digital financing company “FLOOSS,” affirmed the significance of formulating strategic plans to address the escalating security challenges arising from the adoption of artificial intelligence technologies in the Fintech sector. He underscored the necessity of incorporating advanced cybersecurity protocols, implementing efficient risk management strategies, and consistently upgrading and enhancing cybersecurity technologies to effectively combat emerging threats in the future.

This was stated during his participation in the seminar titled “Cybersecurity in Fintech in Bahrain,” organized by NGN International, a leading IT Systems Integrations and Managed Cyber Security Company. The seminar was part of the activities of NGN Majlis, which aims to raise awareness about cybersecurity in the kingdom and promote a better understanding of the subject.