We rely on users’ awareness not to disclose banking data: BAB

We rely on users’ awareness not to disclose banking data: BAB

The Bahrain Association of Banks (BAB) stressed the need for the various users of financial and banking services to realize the significance of preserving their personal and banking data and not to disclose it in any way except when necessary and through reliable channels, besides, to educate other segments that do not interact with modern technologies professionally, such as some elderly people regarding this critical issue.

The Association expressed its confidence in the efforts of the financial and banking institutions within the framework of implementing the directives of the Central Bank of Bahrain to provide the latest electronic protection systems for customer data and to ensure reliable communication with them.

BAB also noted the continuous coordination between the banking sector and several relevant bodies such as the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority to prevent fraud and impersonation, out of everyone's keenness to address fraudulent methods, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, in light of the increasing use of digital communication means, confirming in this regard that The Kingdom of Bahrain is at the forefront of countries that take all necessary precautions to preserve users' data and privacy.

Mr. Adnan Ahmed Yousif Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bahrain Association of Banks