AL chief says Algeria’s summit is important “Arab reunion” to face currant challenges – Egypt Today

AL chief says Algeria’s summit is important “Arab reunion” to face currant challenges – Egypt Today

CAIRO – 31 October 2022: Arab League (AL) Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit said Monday that an upcoming summit in Algeria would be like an “Arab reunion” in the face of challenges, pressures and threats.

Abul Gheit said that the awaited summit is an important get-together in a bid to resolve tensions and find common grounds regarding the different regional files.

He expected the summit to come out with resolutions to further support the Palestinian people in their struggle for independence.

He added in an interview with MENA, that the summit is a “regular-summit” and its agenda includes all traditional political files on which resolutions should be made to define collective Arab stances, the AL chief said.

Topping the agenda is the Palestinian cause, he noted. The summit will also discuss the crises in Syria, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Somalia and Lebanon, Abul Gheit added. Regional interference in Arab domestic affairs will also figure high at the summit, he further said.

The summit in Algeria will also focus on top-priority issues in the current stage, atop of which an Arab strategy to achieve food security, which aims to narrow the growing food gap through a collective and comprehensive action, Abul Gheit added.

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