Ban on rice export continues in Egypt to cover local needs

Ban on rice export continues in Egypt to cover local needs

The Egyptian government announced the continuation of the ban on the export of rice abroad in order to secure the needs of the local market, while tightening control over the ports.

The Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly stressed the need to continue working to secure the needs of Egyptians for strategic goods for a period of six months, in light of the economic crisis in the world due to the Russian-Ukrainian war that threatens the food security of several countries.

The Egyptian Minister of Supply and Internal Trade Ali al-Moselhy also confirmed that the ministry was working to provide rice and various basic commodities to enhance food security.

The ministry works to provide rice in various consumer complexes nationwide to contribute to reducing its prices in the local market, as the price of rice reached LE10 per kilogram in the ministry-affiliated complexes.

He stressed that local production of rice covers the needs of citizens throughout the year.

Private mills were allowed to participate in the rice supply process which resulted in an increase in the proceeds of rice supplied by farmers for the benefit of the Supply Commodities Authority, he said.

The proceeds of rice supply so far amounted to 140,000 tons of rice, since the