Egypt cancels World Youth Forum over economic crisis

Egypt cancels World Youth Forum over economic crisis

The fifth edition of the World Youth Forum in Egypt, this year has been canceled due to economic burdens and financial hardship.

It waa decided that the usual funds used for the initiatives will be redirected to other entrepreneurship and development programs for farmers to achieve food security. This is through alternative initiatives.

Alternative initiatives also aims to launch the largest youth volunteer platform in the world to help poor countries and those affected by wars, conflicts or climate change, as well as providing support to refugees and immigrants.

The idea of the World Youth Forum came when a group of Egyptian youth presented President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, in April 2017, with an initiative to conduct a dialogue with the youth of the world in Sharm el-Sheikh.

The President responded to the proposal, and an international annual event was held that brings together young people from all around the world. It was organized 4 times in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Abdel-Moneim Imam, Secretary of the Economic Committee in the House of Representatives and head of the Adl (Justice) Party, said that canceling the fifth edition of the World Youth Forum is a positive move in light of the economic circumstances at the present time.

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