Egypt: e-finance’s standalone profits rise 76% YoY in H1

Egypt: e-finance’s standalone profits rise 76% YoY in H1

Egypt: e-finance’s standalone profits rise 76% YoY in H1WORLDMiddle EastAfricaIndian Sub-continentChina and Asia Pacific UK and EuropeAmericasRussiaECONOMYGlobalGCCAfricaLevantNorth AfricaISLAMIC ECONOMYIslamic FinanceIslamic BusinessIslamic Finance ReportsIslamic Finance GlossaryBUSINESSAviationBanking & InsuranceCareersEducationEnergyFintechHealthcareHospitalityManufacturingReal EstateRetail & ConsumerTechnology and TelecomTransport and LogisticsTravel and TourismSMEsFinance MarketingTechnologyLegalPeopleMARKETSCommoditiesCurrenciesEquitiesFixed IncomeWEALTHAlternative InvestmentsFundsWealth ManagementSustainabilityLEGALCrime and SecurityImmigrationPolicy RegulationsLIFECultureEntertainmentFoodHealthLeisure & TravelSportsOPINIONBusiness InsightsPROJECTSBRIConstructionIndustryMiningOil & GasUtilitiesSPECIAL COVERAGERamadan and Eid 2023COP 28: Talking Climate in UAEUAE Realty MarketThe Future of CryptosFocus: Global Wealth FundsRussia-Ukraine CrisisMULTIMEDIAGalleriesVideosPRESS RELEASE Companies NewsGovernment NewsPeople in the NewsResearch & StudiesEvents and ConferencesAfrica Press ReleasesAsia Press ReleasesHome page>MARKETS>Equities>Egypt: e-finance’s stand...PHOTOE-finance for Digital and Financial Investments (EFIH) posted a 76.4% year-on-year (YoY) increase in standalone net profits in the first half (H1) of 2023, the company disclosed on September 17th.Standalone net profits hit EGP 390.223 million in H1 2023, up from EGP 221.215 million in H1 2022.Meanwhile, the firm grew revenues of EGP 362.221 million from January through June, versus EGP 217.631 million over the same period of last year.The company reported earlier a 49.76% YoY jump in consolidated net profit excluding minority interest for H1 2023.Founded in 2005, e-finance is the first fintech platform in Egypt and a leading digital payment infrastructure developer.Copyright © 2022 Arab Finance Brokerage Company All rights reserved. Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc.