Egypt Post Becomes Member of Union of Arab Banks

Egypt Post Becomes Member of Union of Arab Banks

Egypt Post became a member of the Union of Arab Banks to study the latest services and technologies in the financial field.

Egyptian Post Chairman Sharif Farouk said that joining the Union supports the state's plans to achieve financial inclusion.

Farouk stated that the purpose is to follow up on all international banking developments as well as regional changes and transformations of the banking community to keep up with current issues in the Arab and global arenas.

Farouk pointed out that Egypt Post always seeks to cooperate with all institutions and agencies to move forward in achieving its plan in financial inclusion and digital empowerment.

Joining the Union of Arab Banks allows Egypt Post to exchange experiences, hold training workshops and provide technical, legal, financial, and banking consultations, according to Farouk.

The Union of Arab Banks includes the best bankers and financial and economic experts from 350 banks.

The Union is a member of the Higher Coordinating Committee for Joint Arab Action and is headed by the Secretary-General of the Arab League. It is an Arab regional organization affiliated with the Arab Administrative Development Organization of the Arab League.