Egyptian imports of mobile phones decline by $242K last January – Egypt Today

Egyptian imports of mobile phones decline by $242K last January – Egypt Today

CAIRO - 9 April 2024: Egyptian imports of mobile phones continued their declining level at the beginning of this year, according to data from the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics. 


CAPMAS monitored a decline in Egyptian imports of mobile devices for individuals to reach only 20 thousand dollars last January, while they were 262 thousand dollars in January in 2023, a decrease in value amounted to 242 thousand dollars.


The agency’s data indicates a significant decline in the value of Egypt’s imports of mobile phones during nine months of last year 2023, as the total Egyptian imports amounted to about two million and 845 thousand dollars in the period from January to last September, while they were about 341 million and 122 thousand dollars in the same period from last year, 2022, with a decline amounting to about 338 million and 277 thousand dollars.


Last January, the value of imports recorded a decline of 25.3%, reaching $5.54 billion during the month of January 2024, compared to $7.42 billion for the same month of the previous year, driven by a decline in imports of some commodities, including wheat imports, which declined by 41.8%, followed by plastics imports in its primary forms by