Environment min.: We seek to provide investment opportunities in waste recycling

Environment min.: We seek to provide investment opportunities in waste recycling

Environment Minister Yasmine Fouad said her ministry seeks in the coming period to provide investment opportunities in waste recycling, which has become a source of livelihood for many young people.

Fouad’s remarks came during her participation on Friday in the inauguration of the “Diarna” exhibition for handicrafts, in the presence of the ministers of social solidarity, supply, local development, education, public business sector and civil aviation, as well as the EU ambassador in Cairo and the chairman of the international banking group Intesa Sanpaolo.

The environment minister inspected her ministry’s pavilion at the exhibition, which gives space to local communities and civil society organizations from 20 governorates to showcase their handmade works.

She noted the exhibition includes displaying the products of (Eco Egypt) campaign to promote the eco-tourism and natural reserves, presenting publications of the Environment Ministry and distributing cloth bags as an alternative to single-use plastic bags to the visitors.

Lasting till March 11, the exhibition is stretched over an area of 2,800 square meters, grouping over 400 exhibitors, who display various products from nearly 20 governorates.

This year, the exhibition celebrates the culture and arts of the Siwa Oasis, one of the most unique Egyptian Western Desert Oases, as the guest of honor.
