Extending the student-loan payment pause is ‘outrageous’, a top GOP lawmaker says — and she’s worried it’s ‘setting the stage for blanket loan forgiveness’

Extending the student-loan payment pause is ‘outrageous’, a top GOP lawmaker says — and she’s worried it’s ‘setting the stage for blanket loan forgiveness’

After news came out that President Joe Biden is planning to announce of the pause on student-loan payments this week, a leading Republican lawmaker was quick to criticize the measure. "Hardworking taxpayers are fed up with having their backs broken by this administration," top Republican on the House education committee Virginia Foxx said in a . "The outrageous extension of this moratorium contradicts the administration's promise to the American public and without any basis other than the President's sinking poll numbers," she added, likely referring to promises in protecting taxpayers. On Tuesday, multiple outlets including the Associated Press that Biden will announce his fourth extension of the pause on student-loan payments, keeping the moratorium through August 31. This comes just days before the previous pause was set to expire on May 1, and Democratic lawmakers have been ramping up pressure for weeks to urge Biden to not only extend the pause, but to cancel some amount of student debt. Despite Democrats' calls, though, Republicans have urged the opposite. Foxx has that extending the pause would hurt the economy and stick taxpayers with the costs of the relief, and she said in her Tuesday statement that this is not the time