Gates Foundation calls for bold and immediate action at COP27

Gates Foundation calls for bold and immediate action at COP27

SHARM EL SHEIKH, Egypt:-/African Media Agency (AMA)/- Today, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation echoed African leaders’ calls for countries to rapidly scale-up finance for climate adaptation and pledged to invest $1.4 billion to help smallholder farmers address the immediate and long-term impacts of climate change. The announcement was made by Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27).

For many regions, climate change is a food and economic crisis without precedent. More than 2 billion people depend on smallholder farms for food and income, yet less than 2% of global climate finance is devoted to helping these farms adapt to climate change. Food and economic crises will last longer and become more severe as climate threats escalate and further threaten food security by limiting smallholder farmers’ yields and resilience.

“The effects of climate change have already been devastating, and every moment the world delays action, more people suffer, and the solutions become more complex and costly,” said Suzman. “Our commitment will help smallholder farmers adapt today and build resilience for the future. It is essential for this climate summit to produce bold commitments that address immediate and long-term needs. Leaders must listen to the voices of