Intesa Sanpaolo Group and ALEXBANK at COP27

Intesa Sanpaolo Group and ALEXBANK at COP27

Cairo, Egypt: Intesa Sanpaolo and ALEXBANK, its Egyptian subsidiary, will be participating at the United Nations Climate Change Conference - COP27 - to be held in Sharm El Sheikh from 7th to 18th November, 2022.

This comes in line with both Intesa Sanpaolo and ALEXBANK’s wish to share experiences in the field of sustainable and climate change issues, with particular focus on the Intesa Sanpaolo’s dynamic engagement in the agribusiness sector, where environmental sustainability is becoming a key pillar in driving the growth of the sector both locally and internationally.

This participation comes as a part of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group and ALEXBANK’s ESG agenda, in which relevant attention is dedicated to the environment and territory preservation, to be pursued also through the long-term sustainability of agribusiness activities, with a clear commitment as confirmed by the Group recent initiatives in the Agri-Business sector. The Group’s dynamic engagement in the agribusiness sector will be discussed at a panel to be held on November 12th, during the ‘‘Adaptation and Agriculture Day’’ titled “The New Climate and Energy Agenda: ‘‘Tackling the Competitive Dynamics for the Agribusiness and the Territorial Development’’. The panel will be attended by senior representatives from private, public, supranational and governmental sectors.
