Opinion| Women Empowerment … Who’s the Winner?

Opinion| Women Empowerment … Who’s the Winner?

Women’s Inclusion and Empowerment Policies Are Not Just a Moral Imperative, but a Core Element for Business Growth and a Key Driver of Success.

The narrative of women’s empowerment has moved from the fringes to the center stage in recent years at the government and the private sector. Despite significant strides, the path toward true equality remains paved with challenges. Today, we stand at a critical juncture: will we seize the opportunity to unleash the full potential of half of the world’s population or continue to lose out on the immense contributions they can offer?

The arguments in favor of women’s empowerment are not merely moral imperatives, but also compelling economic and social realities. Studies consistently reveal a strong correlation between gender equality and economic growth. Empowering women through access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities leads to a more skilled and productive workforce, fostering innovation and driving national prosperity.

At Philip Morris Egypt and Levant, we are proud of the progress we have made in promoting gender balance within our workforce. We plan and execute dedicated programs to acquire, develop, and retain female talents in alignment with Philip Morris International’s global strategy. In Egypt, females represent about 40% of the workforce, and