Sisi seeks to reassure Egyptians over economic woes on Christmas

Sisi seeks to reassure Egyptians over economic woes on Christmas

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi congratulated Egypt’s Coptic Christians on the occasion of Eastern Christmas, during his Friday speech at the Nativity of Christ Cathedral in the New Administrative Capital.

Sisi also took the chance to reassure citizens over economic woes.

“I see people in Egypt anxious and afraid. I will not say that this is not justified, but we do not hide anything from you. I talk on every occasion. So don’t give attention to irresponsible people,” he proclaimed.

“Everyone knows as much as his position, from the employee, the manager, until we reach the highest position, meaning that: will someone know more than His Holiness the Pope in the affairs of the Church, of course not.”

Sisi continued: “First, do not be afraid for many reasons, the first of which is that Allah is with us, meaning that Allan will not abandon us, and he is greater than all.”

“And secondly is that we, as a country, are eager to deal with global economic crisis. We are going well, even if we suffer, but we do not worry. There are people who talk a lot without knowledge.”

Sisi noted rumors that the government will sell more state assets, and said: “If we will do