Tax-free car import initiative for Egyptian expats receives $500mln worth of payments: Finance Minister

Tax-free car import initiative for Egyptian expats receives $500mln worth of payments: Finance Minister

Minister of Finance Mohamed Maait said on Tuesday that the application for the tax-free car import initiative for Egyptians working abroad will close after 26 days, adding that there is no intention to further extend the operation.

Maait added that 100,000 Egyptians residing abroad have registered electronically to benefit from this initiative. Maait also announced the release of 800 imported cars from ports under the initiative and the total value of payments reached about $500m.

He added that the recent legislative amendments include reducing the customs tax by 70%. It also applies retroactively to the beneficiaries of the initiative in countries outside the trade agreements, so that the total sums of money transferred from Egyptians abroad in these countries to the account of the Ministry of Finance are reduced by up to 58%, depending on the liter capacity of the engine, the type of fuel, and the Egyptians residing in these countries, who transferred the money.

Maait said that the government is committed to paying the deposits of Egyptians abroad who benefit from the initiative to facilitate the import of cars, on the scheduled dates, at the exchange rate at the time it becomes due. He said that his Ministry considers it an