Visa reveals more transit users are on board with contactless payments in Egypt

Visa reveals more transit users are on board with contactless payments in Egypt

- Survey finds 95% of consumers in Egypt either strongly or somewhat expect transit to offer contactless payment options

Cairo, Egypt: Visa today announced the results of its second annual Future of Urban Mobility Survey, which uncovered a desire for change among transit users in Egypt.

The survey was conducted in May 2022 among 1000 adults in Egypt and aims to better understand what matters to transit users today – and what they want the future of transit to look like. The survey included questions about how often they use public transit, why they use it, and what they expect in terms of new payment methods.

“In cities across the globe, people are venturing out again after a more than two-year hiatus,” Essam El Daly, Head of Merchant Sales and Acquiring Sector for North Africa, Levant and Pakistan at Visa, says . “Public transit has always been a vital part of how people get to work or school, run errands, and travel to leisure activities. Now the pandemic has pushed many riders to challenge the status quo when it comes to how they pay their fares.”

Shifting preferences

The speed, security, and ease of digital payments have helped shift global transit user’s payment preferences. In