Women take the lead in Africa’s fintech boom

Women take the lead in Africa’s fintech boom

Africa has double the average rate of women-led fintechs.

Less than 5% of funds went to fintechs led only by women.

Female techpreneurs face lower valuations, more oversight.

When financial analyst Oluwatosin Olaseinde moved back home to Nigeria in 2013 after a decade studying and working abroad, she decided it was time to tackle her own finances, so started reading up on stocks and mutual funds.

Shocked at how little guidance was available for young professionals like herself, Olaseinde began sharing her learnings in fun, bite-sized tutorials on Instagram, and much to her surprise, her posts went viral.

"I had no idea my page would just blow up," said the 34-year-old by phone from Nigeria's commercial capital, Lagos.

"Just like me, there were young people who wanted to know how to manage their finances, but needed information in an easy-to-understand way."

Almost four years on, Olaseinde heads MoneyAfrica, an online financial literacy portal providing courses from budgeting and currency risk to inflation and treasury bills, and more recently also founded Ladda, an app-based one-stop investment platform.

Collectively, the platforms have a 300,000-strong social media community and more than 15,000 active users. MoneyAfrica is projected to earn $1 million in revenue this year, said