Evergrande owes its creditors over $500 million that is due by the end of the year. Here’s a breakdown of the payments it needs to make.

Evergrande owes its creditors over $500 million that is due by the end of the year. Here’s a breakdown of the payments it needs to make.

Evergrande, the cash-strapped Chinese property developer, has to find more than $500 million to pay to its bondholders by the end of this year. Although it is one of China's largest residential developers, it's struggling with a debt pile worth $305 billion. With such massive liabilities, investors initially worried its money troubles could spread across the financial system and hit global markets. But these worries have somewhat cooled after the central bank . Evergrande, based in Shenzhen, recently said it has resumed construction work on nearly a dozen projects after unexpectedly making a worth $83.5 million. The company didn't specify how it managed to raise the funds. In an , Evergrande said it suspended construction at several projects, many of which were already sold, without laying out much detail. But it cited delays in supplier payments and construction fees for the stoppage. Evergrande has warned it might default on its debt if its liquidity problem can't be resolved. Analysts suggest the company can shore up its cash holdings both by boosting contracted sales and via asset disposals, but neither of these areas is free of hurdles. The developer already of coupon payments totaling near $280 million between September and October.