Jordan-Spain ties built on ‘foundation of high trust’ — ambassador

Jordan-Spain ties built on ‘foundation of high trust’ — ambassador

AMMAN — Spain’s Ambassador to Jordan Miguel de Lucas noted that the relations between Spain and Jordan extend “beyond mere friendship”, describing bilateral ties as “built on a foundation of high trust, mutual respect and deep historical ties between the two Royal families”. During an interview with the Jordan News Agency, Petra, de Lucas underscored the significance of the His Majesty King Abdullah and Queen Rania’s recent visit to Spain, during which King Abdullah and King Felipe, as well as with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, held crucial meetings. The ambassador noted that the agreements reached during the meetings aim to strengthen ties between the two countries, the meeting in Cordoba, where discussions tackled the Aqaba Meetings, being a “notable highlight”. It also included both leaders’ historic visit to the Cordoba Mosque. Regarding economic cooperation, the ambassador noted the significant increase in Spanish exports to Jordan. In 2022, Spanish exports amounted to approximately $396 million, reflecting a noteworthy 24.6 per cent surge compared to 2021. The key export sectors included live animals, machinery, ceramics, seeds and perfumes. Additionally, Jordan’s exports to Spain reached around $87 million, marking a 28.7 per cent increase compared to the previous year. The main Jordanian