World Bank: Water resources in Jordan are shrinking – Roya News English

World Bank: Water resources in Jordan are shrinking – Roya News English

The World Bank confirmed that Jordan faces climatic challenges, including rising temperatures, decreasing rain, increasing drought, and shrinking water resources due to evaporation.

In a recent report, the organization clarified that Jordan is still highly dependent on imports of fossil fuels with its limited natural resources and the severe scarcity of water resources for a population of 10.3 million people, including more than a million refugees. The World Bank explained that the extreme heat and scarcity of water resources lead to a high demand for energy and increases the financial burden on the state budget and affects the competitiveness of the economy.

Jordan was the first developing country to build monitoring, reporting and verification systems and a registry for greenhouse emissions data in accordance with international standards that form the building blocks of a future emissions trading system, in cooperation with the World Bank’s Climate Repository Program and the Partnership for Market Implementation to develop and test this digital infrastructure.