Boubyan Bank, an example of a success story: Group CEO

Boubyan Bank, an example of a success story: Group CEO

KUWAIT: Boubyan Bank represents a unique success story of an institution rising steadily towards the top to assume an outstanding place in the banking industry and at the level of Islamic banking, regionally and internationally, especially in the digital services domain. This drove Stanford Graduate School of Business to invite Boubyan Bank’s Vice-Chairman & Group Chief Executive Officer, Adel Abdul Wahab Al-Majed, to give a lecture to MBA students, thus becoming one of the most prominent leaders who were invited to give lectures; this included the CEOs of major companies such as Ford, Johnson & Johnson, Lyft, and AT&T.

Al-Majed’s lecture came as a part of “System Leadership” module to complement the study prepared by the Kuwaiti MBA Program Graduate, Laila Al-Jasem, under the supervision of Lecturer Robert Siegel who, along with Jeffrey Immelt (who served as CEO of General Electric for 16 years), supervise this module where Al-Majed participated, and which is one of the most popular modules among MBA students at Stanford University, which is ranked first in MBA studies in the United States.

The 2009 start

During the lecture, Al-Majed reviewed the start towards restructuring the bank in 2009 as he assumed the CEO position, backed by his long experience