Boubyan Bank named ‘Best Bank for CSR’ by Euromoney International

Boubyan Bank named ‘Best Bank for CSR’ by Euromoney International

KUWAIT: Boubyan Bank has made a new achievement by being named the “Best Bank for CSR” by Euromoney International, in recognition of its achievements over the past years as well as its sustainable CSR role which contributes to Kuwait’s journey of development and growth.

On this occasion, Qutayba Saleh Al-Bassam, Executive Manager, the Corporate Communications Division at the bank stated: “Thanks to Almighty Allah, we have received a new award in a new domain, adding to our 2022’s achievements and, thus, confirming that we are headed in the right direction by launching out-of-the-box initiatives that target social segments inside and outside Kuwait.”

“The past period represented a milestone in the bank’s ongoing CSR journey as it witnessed the launch of many events and initiatives that highlighted the bank’s domestic leadership in terms of social contributions, thereby confirming our CSR leadership in Kuwait. We always seek to interact with various segments of the society out of our firm belief that our social role must go hand in hand with our banking business,” Al-Bassam added.

He went on to add: “We received the award as a result of a thorough assessment by an international panel of judges. This reflects the distinction and leadership position enjoyed