KFH ‘keeping it green’ at hackathon

KFH ‘keeping it green’ at hackathon

KUWAIT: Kuwait Finance House (KFH) participated in the three-day Climate Change Hackathon organized by Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) to support the efforts towards sustainability and environment preservation. KFH took part in this event under its “Keep it Green” campaign which aims to support social initiatives related to sustainability and environment.

In his speech during the hackathon, KFH Executive Manager for Governance and Sustainability Mohammad Al-Arbeed, expressed his appreciation for representing the bank in this event to discuss global challenges of climate change and tackle key topics of environmental implications and sustainability. He added that KFH is making great sustainability efforts and is moving forward with its commitment to preserving the environment through strategic partnerships, initiatives and adopting eco-friendly business solutions.

Arbeed said that sustainability has been, since establishment, an essential element of KFH’s core strategy and part of its vision and mission, as well as the core of the Shari’ah-compliant financing principles. He pointed out that Islamic finance industry is key element in sustainability as sustainable finance is prioritizing businesses that support the environment, while considering inclusion, good governance and ethical business standards.

He added that environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations have dominated investment decisions in recent years, stressing