KISR, GUST, banks top in hiring ‘Kuwaiti graduates’ – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait News

KISR, GUST, banks top in hiring ‘Kuwaiti graduates’ – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait News

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KUWAIT CITY, Sept 4: While about 8,467 Kuwaitis have registered their bio-data with the Public Authority for Manpower, under the item ‘Job Seekers’ during the past 8 months, a recent report revealed dozens of vacancies were offered for citizens in the private sector, 84 Kuwaitis, including PhD holders, were employed in a number of companies after announcing vacancies that suit their specializations, reports Al-Qabas daily.

The report issued by the national employment sector of the Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) indicated that the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research topped the list of establishments for offering jobs to holders of doctorate degrees filling 21 vacancies for Kuwaitis, followed by the Gulf University for Science and Technology. The list contained in the report showed that vacancies for Kuwaiti doctorate degree holders are concentrated in the education and medical sectors.