NBK Executive Management Continue Field Follow-up of “Bankee” Implementation in Schools

NBK Executive Management Continue Field Follow-up of “Bankee” Implementation in Schools

Kuwait City, May 8: The Executive Management of National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) continue their visits to public and private school across Kuwait to follow up the implementation of the “Bankee” program, which was officially initiated in this school year in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Kuwait Authority for Anti-Corruption “Nazaha”, and Creative Confidence. …

Kuwait City, May 8: The Executive Management of National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) continue their visits to public and private school across Kuwait to follow up the implementation of the “Bankee” program, which was officially initiated in this school year in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Kuwait Authority for Anti-Corruption “Nazaha”, and Creative Confidence.

In this context, the bank organized a visit to Amra Bint Hazm Elementary School for Girls in Faiha Area featuring the participation of Mr. Sulaiman Al-Marzouq, Deputy CEO of NBK-Kuwait accompanied by representatives from Ministry of Education and Nazaha, in which they closely monitored the latest updates regarding the school students’ financial literacy program.

During the visit, Al-Marzouq toured several classrooms within the school to review in detail the implementation of program, including the virtual bank experience that allows students to have a financial account in which they use the “Bankoz” virtual