Total loans stand at KD 51.3 billion – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait News

Total loans stand at KD 51.3 billion – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait News

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KUWAIT CITY, Oct 4: The private sector’s deposits in foreign currencies increased last August by 2.6% to 1.730 billion dinars, while they rose 6.3% compared to August last year and from the beginning of the year until the end of last August by 4.6%, reports Al-Jarida daily. Total deposits in the banking sector – private and government – were 40.034 billion dinars, compared to 37.297 billion dinars at the end of last December. It can be noted that the volume of deposits in the banking sector increased from the beginning of the year by about 2.737 billion dinars, with a deposit of 342.1 million dinars per month.

In a related context, interbank deposit transactions soared by 473 million dinars, reaching 2.337 billion dinars in July 2022, while in August they amounted to 2.810 billion dinars, with a growth rate of 20.2% in just one month.