Economy Minister: Lebanon’s financial system is over

Economy Minister: Lebanon’s financial system is over

NNA - Caretaker Minister of Economy, Amin Salam, on Tuesday held a press conference during which he disclosed his ministry’s decision to make supermarkets price goods in USD. 

Salam said the measure was introduced to guard against rampant price manipulation, as the national currency continues to plummet in value, sometimes by the minute.

Supermarkets will also be permitted to display the price of imported supermarket goods in US dollars, with domestic products still priced in the national currency.

Salam said shops must make the move due to the rapid fluctuations in the value of the Lebanese pound which meant some were repricing goods several times each day.

The move will allow for greater transparency in how goods are priced, Salam said, as some supermarkets “are taking advantage of the currency crisis and setting prices on a whim”.

But he said there was not much the ministry could do about the cost of basic necessities, given the rapid devaluation of the pound to the dollar — once pegged at 1,507 to $1 but now trading at about 87,000.

“If their rate is too high, you have the option of going to a different supermarket and seeing if they have a lower rate,” he said.

The latest measure is not a