IMF report sparks discussions at British Embassys round-table on Lebanons economic future

IMF report sparks discussions at British Embassys round-table on Lebanons economic future


2023-07-14 | 06:00

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IMF report sparks discussions at British Embassy's round-table on Lebanon's economic future

The British Embassy in Beirut recently convened a round-table discussion for women economists and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) colleagues to delve into Lebanon's 2023 Article IV Consultation report. The event served as a platform for open dialogues surrounding Lebanon's economy's profound challenges. 

Frederico Lima, the IMF's Resident Representative in Lebanon, delivered a comprehensive summary of the recently published report. Additionally, during the opening remarks, Gavin Tench, the British Embassy's Political Counselor, addressed the women economists and emphasized their pivotal role in enriching the discussions.  

Tench underscored that their inclusion was crucial in unlocking innovative solutions, sharing fresh ideas, and driving positive change. He further stressed that Lebanon required the collective brainpower of all its citizens to effect transformative progress. 

The participants unanimously acknowledged the significance of the IMF report, which not only provided a roadmap for the nation's economic recovery and underscored the mounting costs of inaction. 

Recognizing the situation's urgency, all attendees concurred that concerted efforts were necessary to forge a path toward economic stability and sustainable growth. 

Furthermore, the round-table participants agreed that implementing comprehensive reforms was paramount to steering Lebanon back on track and regaining international trust.
