Lebanon charges banker, money changers in currency crisis probe

Lebanon charges banker, money changers in currency crisis probe

BEIRUT: A Lebanese prosecutor charged a bank manager and money changers with manipulating the exchange rate and money laundering on Thursday in an currency crisis probe, official sources said.. Banks have gradually stopped all dollar withdrawals in recent months, and the local currency has plummeted from 1,507 to more than 4,000 pounds to the dollar on the black market.. and a bank employee, with the crimes of violating the money changing law and money laundering," among other charges, the National News Agency said.. China to enact first civil code as investment slows /node/1678161/business-economy. BEIJING: China's parliament is poised to put in place its first civil code, a wide-ranging legislative package that includes strengthening protection of property rights in a Communist Party-ruled country, whose embrace of private ownership has long been awkward.. A 2017 survey on the climate for private sector firms found companies in China rated "legal fairness" 4 out of 10.. A 2017 survey on the climate for private sector firms by Unirule Institute of Economics, a now-defunct liberal Beijing-based think tank, found companies rated "legal fairness" 4 out of 10.. Private sector investment in China has slowed sharply, to the worry of officials, from more than 20