Scheduled Hearing for Former Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh Amidst Judicial Developments

Scheduled Hearing for Former Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh Amidst Judicial Developments


2023-08-08 | 09:52

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Scheduled Hearing for Former Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh Amidst Judicial Developments

While the Judicial Investigation Authority in Beirut had scheduled a session for the former governor of the Central Bank, Riad Salameh, tomorrow, Wednesday, following the annulment of the decision by Investigative Judge Charbel Abou Samra upon his recusal by the President of the Investigation Authority, Helana Askaṇdẖar, judicial sources have indicated that Salameh has not yet been notified of the session's date, noting that the responsible entity for notification is the Judicial Investigation Authority, which set the session's date.

Salameh is expected to attend the session, alongside the members of the Investigation Authority.


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