Uncertainty surrounds Central Bank Governors departure as Lebanons crisis deepens

Uncertainty surrounds Central Bank Governors departure as Lebanons crisis deepens

The Deputies of the Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon, Riad Salameh, are weighing their options these days in a challenging and complex preparation for the day following Salameh's departure from office. All files are "inflamed," especially the deposit losses caused by the Central Bank, the banks, and corruption within the system.

However, this issue is pending resolution, awaiting the Parliament's decision and a final agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) regarding the distribution of losses and the restructuring of banks. Today's most urgent issue is the Sayrafa platform: will it continue, stop, or continue for a while and then stop?

The sources of the governor’s deputies do not yet know the final answer because it is related to the duration of the presidential vacuum and then the formation of a government that falls under the responsibility of appointing a new governor for Banque du Liban.

According to what those sources told Nidaa al-Watan, "the issue will take many months, and perhaps be very long."

Meanwhile, opinions are conflicting, knowing that the governor's deputies are divided between those accepting and rejecting the Sayrafa platform to date, and none of them explicitly supports it.

The same sources say: "As for the 'fireball' reaching their