First pensions forum for OECD in the Arab World

  • Date: 21-Jan-2021
  • Source: Bizbahrain
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Bahrain
  • Who else needs to know?

First pensions forum for OECD in the Arab World

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) launched its seminal OECD Pensions Outlook Report 2020 in the MENA region for the first time, from the Kingdom of Bahrain. The event was at the invitation of "Fintech Robos - for Savings & Pensions Apps“, the organizer of the annual Arab Pensions Conference.

A 5-strong team led by Pablo Antolín, the OECD's principal economist on pensions, and also including Romain Despalins, a statistician in the OECD Directorate for Financial & Enterprise Affairs, and three pensions policy analysts, namely Diana Hourani, Stéphanie Payet and Elsa Favre-Baron, spoke in the event that drew more than 140 delegates from the public and private sectors, and the financial industry.

Speakers stressed the need for policy makers and relevant departments to improve sustainability and increase the resilience of pension systems, by striking a balance between the different trade-offs when making decisions about how to improve these systems.

They also pointed out that the Coronavirus has caused an unprecedented shock to labor markets and pension systems alike, noting that even before COVID-19, pension funds were already facing the daunting challenges of an aging population (longer ages that should be funded in retirement and fewer numbers of