‘Ban on imported plastic bags to help in safeguarding Oman’s environment’

‘Ban on imported plastic bags to help in safeguarding Oman’s environment’

Dr Mohammed Al Kasbi, director of chemicals and wastes management at the EA and environment activist Rumaitha Al Busaidi.

MUSCAT: Oman’s endeavour to make the country environment-friendly took a big step forward after the ban on import of plastic bags came into force from January 1, 2023.

The decision, 519/2022, was issued by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Investment Promotion (MOCIIP) in September 2022, and prohibited companies, institutions, and individuals from importing plastic bags. Breaching the ban is punishable by a fine of OMR1,000 and the amount may be doubled for a repeat offence.

Leading environment activist Rumaitha Al Busaidi welcomed the ban and said that “it would go a long way in preserving the Omani environment from pollution and waste harmful to the rich marine life and wildlife.”

Rumaitha, who is serving as director of the Environmental Society of Oman (ESO), said: “It is a welcome decision that shows Oman is taking appropriate steps to ensure that the country is able to achieve its commitments towards local value and the environment. I hope that this is one of many more monumental steps that Oman strives to achieve its newly announced net-zero target by 2050.”

It may be mentioned that the Environment Authority (EA)