Bank Nizwa invest in digital onboarding

Bank Nizwa invest in digital onboarding

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman's leading and most trusted Islamic bank, Bank Nizwa, has invested heavily in seamless and efficient digital account opening experiences for customers. Individuals can open Shari’ah-compliant savings accounts remotely via their laptop or mobile device, elevating their experience and satisfying their appetite to be digitally onboarded. Transparency is at the heart of Bank Nizwa's operations whilst simplified technology enhances customer convenience. Innovation is considered a fundamental pillar of the bank’s growth.

“Bank Nizwa has always been a pioneer in digital solutions, and we are committed to developing smart and fully digitised processes to ensure our efficiency. As a result of the digital onboarding process, we are able to manage cases efficiently, capture documents automatically, and collaborate more efficiently, resulting in less paperwork and more productivity. Offering self-service options allows the bank to attract new customers,” said Sadiq Al Lawati, Head Channels and Digitalisation at Bank Nizwa. “Fine-tuned digital onboarding experiences are customer-centric and form a solid foundation for long-term relationships with their clients. By acting digitally and recommending tailored products, banks can increase customer loyalty and brand awareness,” he added.

Locals and residents over 18 years of age can open a savings account virtually by downloading the Bank