Barclays Close U.K. Christian Charity Bank Account Offering LGBT Conversion Therapy

Barclays Close U.K. Christian Charity Bank Account Offering LGBT Conversion Therapy

Barclays has closed the bank account of a U.K. Christian charity the Core Issues Trust, who offer LGBT conversion therapy, says, Premier Christian News.

It follows criticism from LGBT activists, who say the bank-the lead sponsor of Pride in London for several years-was hypocritical. They argued supporting LGBT people with one hand while giving services to a charity that offers LGBT conversion therapy, is wrong. 

The widely discredited practice sees vulnerable people subjected to shock treatments and other cruel tortures, among other emotional, counselling, and physical techniques.

They promise and consistently fail, to 'cure' people of being gay, bisexual, trans and all identities on the sexuality, romantic and gender spectrums.

The Core Issues charity, based in Northern Ireland, rejects the name conversion therapy for its counselling services that offer "one-to-one support for individuals voluntarily seeking to leave homosexual behaviours and feelings.“ 

Mike Buonaiuto Founder and Chairman of Shape History, a social impact communications agency, called out the bank on social media at the beginning of July.

"This came up, because I noticed they had a Barclays sort code,“ he tells me.

"So I looked up their returns with the charity commission, which shows over 100K of donations. These were being